I picked up an ant colony in POFA and drove those mofos all the way to NOLA before I could convince them that my home was truly inhospitable.
Read moreOne foot on the dock...one foot in the boat.
Boys + Bear playing in the bed
After spending Spring Break week in my motor home I woke up in my apartment, in my own bed, disoriented; couldn’t find the bathroom for a nighttime visit without putting a light on.
Read moreMotoring to Maryland
On the Turnpike with the Big Boys
I packed up, battened down the hatches, took the RV for my first dump station experience, and then drove off to Brooklyn to pick up my friend Margaret, who had agreed to join me on this Shakedown cruise. We planned to drive the Jersey Turnpike all the way south through a tiny bit of Delaware, and on into Maryland, to Elk Neck State Park. It was about 150 miles from Brooklyn to the park.
Read moreThe Blues
The best Easter ever!
A lot is happening every day, but it is so hard to write about stuff as it is happening. I'm going to have to get used to live-blogging I guess. Don’t think I’m a tweet-grrl, but “never say never” as my bro always reminds me.
After the kids went home, I got the blues. No. Capital B Blues!
Read moreWoo Hoo! Got My Rig!
Omg! Omg! Omg! Packed my Subaru with a ton of stuff, and left my house in the icy, snowy, pre-dawn hours. I picked up Alyssa over in Brooklyn, and drove two hours into Connecticut to pick up The Beast.
Read moreOmg, omg, omg!
Omg omg omg! I put a deposit on a motor home up in Branford, CT!
Kath saw this one, and sent the link to me. A 26 foot Winnebago Aspect. It has 44,000 miles on it. For $39,500, exactly what the NADA ratings list as “Low retail, good price.”
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