I was on a journey to circumnavigate the US and Nova Scotia this year, but a miracle birth happened in my family, causing me to put on the brakes—in fact to put on the parking break for a month.
Read moreThe Blues
The best Easter ever!
A lot is happening every day, but it is so hard to write about stuff as it is happening. I'm going to have to get used to live-blogging I guess. Don’t think I’m a tweet-grrl, but “never say never” as my bro always reminds me.
After the kids went home, I got the blues. No. Capital B Blues!
Read moreWoo Hoo! Got My Rig!
Omg! Omg! Omg! Packed my Subaru with a ton of stuff, and left my house in the icy, snowy, pre-dawn hours. I picked up Alyssa over in Brooklyn, and drove two hours into Connecticut to pick up The Beast.
Read morePanic Attacks? Happy and Excited? Stress Overload?
I’ve been having these episodes, where feel like I ate a bag of candy with a pot of espresso as a chaser. (I don’t eat sugar or drink coffee these days, but have done in the past, so I know the feeling.) I just suddenly become breathless, shaky, and weak.
Read moreA Different Kind Of Life Review
You’d think that cleaning out miles of files, shredding acres of papers would be lonely, boring work. But no. For me, it’s another life review. I’m still trying to adjust to the idea that Mom is gone, so maybe this is a good task for me today.
Read moreGet Packing!
OMG! 173 days until I am out of here!
Recently met with Jess, the young woman who is probably going to sublet my apartment while I am on the road. Omg omg omg!
Read moreTravel Support Team
More Lists
I need to check the expiry dates on my passport and driver’s license. Will need to consider the annual things in my life that will come due while I’m on the road, income taxes, car insurance, and other payments…
Read moreTED Talk About Aging
I watched Jane Fonda’s talk about the third act.
She has done a lot of research and writing about aging, as it has happened to her. She calls it The Third Act. I like that metaphor. If I view my life as a play, Act I is childhood, Act II is my (young, productive) early adulthood, and Act III would be these retired years.
Read moreMoving the Dream Forward
Hi Al, Tom
Just wanted to keep you in the loop of what's going on in my head.
I reserved a small, nineteen-foot camper for our trip next summer, and I seem to have got the RV bug. (I owned a van/camper 30 years ago), and I'm thinking about looking for a used one, and hitting the road for six months or a year after I retire. Maybe I could sublet the apartment, and go travel around to all the places I've always wanted to see, or to see again, while I am young enough and healthy enough to do it.Read more
Transition Life Review
Life Review: Scanning Mom’s Photos
Summer 2014. For three really hot and humid days, I sat in my apartment listening to books on Audible, finishing a project I’d started a couple of summers ago, and had worked on over my summer vacations--to scan a giant box of my mom’s photos.
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