Frances McDormand knocks it out of the park once again with her performance in this film. Anyone who has full-timed will recognize the authenticity of the performances and personalities here.
The Beast. 26.6 feet of motorhome. My home as I wandered the US and Canada for fourteen months.
The film made me ache to be back out there on the open road instead of sitting in my 625 square foot apartment in the West Village waiting for my second Covid vaccine appointment. I went searching for the photos from my time at the Blogger Fest, and the following week in Quartzsite with dear friends made on the spot.
Happy hour
Watching the stories in this movie, I felt so blessed. I made a decision to attend college in the evenings after work to get my credentials. This move enabled me to make a mid-life career change to become a teacher. The pension associated with the job was what allowed me to retire early and go traveling, without needing to find work along the way for the rest of my life. Photo credit below: George Yates
Photo credit: George Yates
The things that spoke to me in the film were the deep relationships that developed between the characters, and the hours and hours of open road and gorgeous scenery. I have great memories and photos from my time out there.
I had some amazing campsites
People who live in houses and work 9 to 5 jobs rarely see skies like this.
From the desert to either shore, this is one gorgeous hunk of real estate!
The view from up on El Morro, New Mexico.
El Morro from the road
Sunsets and sunrise over Quartzsite were always amazing
Shiprock, New Mexico
See you down the road…