I flew out to New Mexico in January. It had been waaay too long since I’d seen my pal, Kath, and been in the high desert. I totally love it out there. This is the landscape that I have returned to most often in my life.
Great restaurant. Silly sign.
We began, as always at The Range Cafe in Albuquerque, for the best huevos rancheros ever! We had a sweet, low-key visit. A lovely in person catch-up. We saw a couple movies, ate out some. Kath cooked and we ate at home some, and spent a few hours with the sweetest grand daughters on the planet. Oh, and we also did a spa day at the Trimble hot springs up in Hermosa, Colorado. No major sightseeing, as it was super cold. Farmington had had some snow before I arrived and was deep into the deep-freeze season.
Love these hoodoos!
This post will just be a way to share my photos with you, dear reader. A quick and dirty visual visit to a wintry New Mexico landscape, and a little corner of Colorado, too.
Hot Springs!
The skies were steel gray for much of this trip; a perfect time to fool around in black and white.
I love the way the clouds mirrored the shape of this tree.
BIG sky country
We did have about a half-day of sunshine when we went up to Colorado. I am grateful for every minute of it.
I was ever on the lookout for these black steer against the white snow. They just didn’t cooperate.
Some more of the colorful upthrusts in this gorgeous palette.
American Eagle over the Animus River.