As a general rule, I don’t just randomly shop, as an activity. I do not enjoy walking slowly through a giant flea market, looking at acres of dust-covered stuff. But I have been doing it here in Quartzsite, and I’ve been finding some hilarious stuff. As if marking the packaging, “As Seen On TV!” was really going to encourage me to buy the item.
There were gizmos designed to crack an egg, to prevent your pots from boiling over, to help you pull-or-push a hot oven rack, and to slice bread. Also, The Roleo, some kind of hand massager from North American Healthcare. Seems like that would be the North America in China, though.
There was some kind of plastic jug with a plastic scene inside, and a rope around the neck of the jug, to facilitate hanging it up somewhere in your home or yard to admire. This item won first place in two categories: Ugliest and Most Useless.
There were things to read, and many small kitchen gadgets, as well as welded iron cowboy and cowgirl with tin can hats to stand in one's front yard, if you have a front yard.
There was also a stack of lanterns with bulbs made of Kryptonite. Superman better not buy these!
I have to admit, as I walked along the rows of products, I was starting to look at things and consider if I could justify purchasing something. Truly, for the six months I’ve been on the road, I have been giving away things I had stuffed into the rig, and didn’t need. But, I did find a sweet little set of paring knives I could use as mine had become really dull. Only $5.00! As Seen On TV!
My Safety Hat!
And as I drove out of town, I passed the place where I'd seen the safety hat. Of course, I had to buy one, with the matching vest!