From May 31st through June 3rd, here in The New England Region, thirty -eight of us, Sisters on the Fly sisters, swarmed into Interlake RV Park for Sister Swarm IV, a long weekend of fun, dress-up, tons of pollen, and The County Living Fair. Our host, Donna Seelbach, is a beekeeper, and she designed and provided a sweeter-than-honey bee-theme for the event.
The County Living Fair was smaller and less impressive than in previous years, but sisters still had a good time and purchased some cool items. The pollen made the real bees very happy--the sisters? Not so much. I used every allergy medicine I brought along. Ahh...the great outdoors. Gotta love it!
But we were not just here for the fair. Friday night was a 1950's dress-up and throw-back potluck. Think deviled eggs and ambrosia. Here are some photos. You know Sisters love them some dress-up!
Here's our swarm photo!
We had fun with photo ops for a while, enjoyed our dinner and conversations. After cleaning up, we repaired to a most excellent campfire for more stories and laughter. A perfect day, which ended a tiny bit early due to the arrival of thunderstorms.
Laurel got up early and put the coffee and tea on--invited everyone to her site for breakfast. Love her antique ironing board coffee service table!
We decided that she had some of the smartest campsite hacks, like the chair insert of repurposed insulating material edged with duct tape to keep her back warm at the campfire, and the mosquitoes where she has a 50-50 chance to swat them.
Saturday, a few groups of us went to the Culinary Institute of America for lunch, where a good time was had by all. Sisters in the other groups or at the fair, if you send me photos I can always add them to this post.
Saturday night was a Tex-Mex dinner and dress-up. While cowgirl casual worked for most of us, some sisters went for more of a South-Of The-Border look.
Love that light-up Cowgirl hat! Talk about bling! We had another excellent campfire-bonfire? Complete with colorful flames, and apple turnover desserts made in some kind of a sandwich iron thingie.
Here are some random photos of our sisters set-ups before I sign off. I try to not be too intrusive running around snapping photos all the time, so I've missed some folks. I'll catch up with you somewhere down the road. ;-)
One of the sisters found her own camper not ready for this event, so searched online where she located this woman who delivered a really sweet vintage camper to our campground, with all the trimmings as it were, for a very nice price! I've included the company name and website above.
The lower right hand corner photo isn't a sister, but we thought it was kind of hilarious for that golf cart to pull that fifth wheel! Thanks to all my sisters for a fabulous weekend!